A Man's Guide to Caring for His Beard


If you have ever experienced the poking feeling, not by any external objects, but by your own beard or hair follicles, we have some tips for you. We understand that this can be very bothersome when you are trying to move about your daily activities. It is an issue faced by most men, and we promise you are not alone. There are various solutions, tips and tricks you can use to alleviate this sensation, making it much easier to maintain and manage your beard. In this article we will discuss the best tips for beard care and maintenance.


As most of you men know, having a beard is a right of passage into your manhood, and it is something you should be proud of. We understand however, that the process of caring for it is very challenging. That is why it is best to have a few tricks up your sleeve when it comes to beard care. Many men often complain about itching, scratching and overall irritation caused by dry skin. This can all be prevented with beard oils, conditioners, and lotions. It is just a matter of finding the right Scruff Stuff Beard Care products for your skin type, and following the directions on the bottle.


Once you have found the perfect Scruff Stuff Beard Products, it is now time to begin the process of application. It is advised that you start out in the shower, by massaging the beard oil and conditioner deeply into your hair follicles and onto your face. You should clean it no differently than the way you would clean the hair on top of your head. In fact, you should treat your beard with the same care you treat your hair. After you have thoroughly washed the contents of the beard oil through your hair, you must then rinse it out, and step out of the shower.


Stand in front of your mirror, with a small comb, and brush it through your damp beard. Make sure to brush downwards while it is still wet. You must then take beard conditioner, and slowly work your fingers through your hair. Relevant details regarding this are displayed at http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/american-english/beard. Allow it to sit for a little bit, without touching your hair or face. This will let the contents of the conditioner to absorb deeply into the pores of your skin and into the follicles of your hair. Taking all of these steps should ultimately reduce the amount of irritation and scratching you experience from having a beard.